Do you want to help guide your business to success by creating plans that are actually implemented? Watch our video which contains some fantastic tips here.


"Before receiving the Toolkit our firm wanted a business strategy but didn`t know where to start. It looks like the Toolkit will provide a good framework for us to work through, that makes it easy - and hopefully saves us time, and will get us the outcomes our business really needs. Dare I say it, I’m actually looking forward to doing this!"

Consultant, Law Firm, Glasgow

"3 Level Strategy - I love it! I've used it for years and it's perfect for resetting goals in the Covid environment."

High Performance Golf Coach, Scottish University

"We got Murray in to help a newly assembled team build a meaningful strategy - one that went beyond some words on a page. The session went really well. Murray generated real enthusiasm and contribution from everyone in the room. We got some challenging issues out in the open and, importantly, it was fun! Over a year later the strategic plan remains the team's guiding light."

Head of Business Development, International Law Firm, London

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