Do you want to help guide your business to success by creating plans that are actually implemented? Watch our video which contains some fantastic tips here.

Make your business better
Boost your efficiency Increase your profitability Build a more durable business
with Your Strategy and Planning Toolkit

Businesses who get strategy right grow faster (three times as likely to report above-average growth) and are more profitable (twice as likely to report above average profits).*

According to the Harvard Business Review, it was estimated that 67% of well-formulated strategies fail due to poor execution. Our Toolkit helps you create a strategy and put it into a plan which makes it easy to successfully implement the strategy.

Do you have a clear strategy in place to help guide your business to success?
If you do have a strategy in place, are you putting it into action? Our Toolkit will help you:

Define your direction
The Toolkit has everything you need to develop a strategy and put it into a plan, using our practical, easy to follow process. You will know where your business is aiming to get to and have objectives and tactics to get you there. And you can use it for team and individual planning as well.
Improve your competitiveness
Your strategic business plan will make you more competitive and resilient by focusing on all key areas of your business – market position, clients, people, financials, etc.
Save you time and money
You do it yourself – so the Toolkit will save you time and money. And it's a one off purchase which you will always have access to, so your return on investment will increase year on year.
Implement your plan
The Toolkit enables you to create a plan which will make it easy to translate your strategy into practical actions.
Improve teamwork and performance
Our process encourages collaboration and skills development. Additionally, a good plan reduces anxiety, and provides comfort and confidence.
If you already have a strategy and plan...
...the Toolkit will still be very valuable to you. You can use it to improve your strategic plan, and how you implement it – either immediately after purchase or when you’re scheduled to review and update.

* report from Strategy&, the strategy consulting arm of PwC

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Our firm wanted a business strategy but didn’t know where to start. The Toolkit provides a framework for us to work through that makes it easy, saves us time and will get us the outcomes our business really needs. Dare I say it, I’m actually looking forward to doing this!

Consultant, Law Firm

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Our Experience...

23 years of consultancy, coaching and training
21 countries visited to do client work
£500k - £1bn+ turnover range of clients

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About Positively Legal and Murray Mathieson

better@business is part of Positively Legal Ltd, a company owned and operated by Murray since 2001. Murray is a non-practising solicitor and accredited business coach, with extensive legal and business experience worldwide. Positively Legal provides specialist coaching, consulting and training services to law firms and other businesses, and has clients in the UK, Europe, the Middle East, Asia and the U.S. Before setting up the company, Murray worked in law firms in Scotland and the British West Indies and held senior in house counsel positions in the aerospace, football and construction industries.

He is also a trustee of The Geno Project, a charity which provides children from the Homa Bay District in Kenya with the opportunity to follow their academic ambitions.

Contact Us

If you would like to get more information on Your Strategy and Planning Toolkit, and how it can be applied to your business, please email us at

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